Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Eid Post

Eid Mubarak everyone (even though i am almost certain no one will read this anytime soon).

I was reflecting on something and i figured what better place than this vent my frustration.

Now my masjid decided to begin fasting on Teusday. Not because we follow Saudi or anything, but because the Imam of our masjid decided that we follow the opinion of the moon being sighted anywhere in the world for the begining of Ramadan and not the opinion of sighting in your locality. Both opinions are valid but it seems this year that everybody and their momma decided to fast Wednesday and that we were almost on our own in our decision. As much as I wanted to fast on Wednesday with the rest of the country, I decided that it would be best to stay together with my community and keep some sort of uniformity. This opinion of mine unfortunately was not shared by my parents who decided that they would fast on Wednesday and not Teusday like our local community walhumdulillah.

It wasnt an issue then that i fasted different than everyone else in my household, yet when Eid comes all of a sudden its an issue.

"So why did they start a day before everyone else in the world?" Im asked.
"Are you asking me about something that happened a month ago? Something that has already been thoroughly explained?"
"I dont want you to go to Eid with them. I want you to pray with the family."
"Dont worry, im going to pray both Eids"
"You cant pray both Eids!"

wa bil walidayni ihsaana...

Then shortly after this conversation, Lo and behold, we are having Eid on the same day! Takbeeeer! Im guessing we will be having a joyous celebration as both opinions are agreeing on the day for Eid! No deal. My rents instead decide to rub it in my face the fact that they SAW the moon and we didnt etc etc etc. Im thinking to myself: Subhan Allah, is this what fiqi is for? Is the reason for educated difference in opinion so that we can do a touchdown dance everytime we 'score' with our fiqi?

Imam Shafi ra said that when he had a debate, he WISHED that the truth be spoken on the other person's lips. Is that not the purpose of 'debating' anyway? Shouldnt we not be meeting with the intentions of getting to the truth for the salvation of both parties? Is it not arrogance and pride that we are trying to eliminate by intending to come to a truth through dialogue with someone who might be righter than we are?

May ALLAH guide our hearts, minds, tongues, and actions towards that which is correct and make us among the mukhliseen...ameen
