Saturday, November 12, 2005

Dear Saadia...

Now this is a poem i been workin on for my sister for a couple of days, and im not posting it here to get awww's. I want yall to critique it cuz i have'nt written a poem like this before and it seemed like it was all over the place. Check it out!

Dear Saadia

My mirror
You dont notice but sometimes
I just
Stare at you
To see what it is that makes you
Love me the way you do

I try and love you back the same
Im reachin for the sun again
Imagining you
Wilts my petals till they fall away
Leaving just a stem standing there

I stuck bubble gum in your hair
Not once but twice
When i was full
I filled up your plate with my rice

Good times to better
2 square
You remember?
Im the King, no bobbles
Darkwing duck running man
No comment

My heart beats every other beat
For you
My little sister AND brother
And sometimes my mother
Your the guinea pig of my thoughts
Recipient of all my rants

The love of my life
Beaten up brothers
On command
For lookin at you funny

You occupy my dua'
The reason your not married
Is because im too picky
Any body can come and give you a ring
But what does a queen deserve
Other than a King?

Praise Allah and bite your tongue
Reach for work and raise your hands
Listen close and guard your ears
May your hands be rubbed in dust
And success fill up your years

Love you sis!