Thursday, July 06, 2006

Qadr Allah wa ma shaa fa'al...

Subhan Allah

Sometimes some people randomly come into your life and you cant even avoid em, like you would not even see them coming yet they just appear into your life, benefit you, and then they make their exit.

Theres that hadith of the mujaddid that is promised to come at the beginning of every hundred years and reattach the muslims to the Quran and Sunnah, and subhan Allah I think each one of us has our own personal mujaddideen (someone check my plurarlization) who come and revive the love for Allah and Muhammed PBUH's way on our own personal level.

You dont even realize it but as you are seeking Allah and searching for the straightest path you find a guide who sometimes doesnt even realize that they are a guide and they take you by your hand and put you on the path your seeking.

I dont know how someone can not believe in the Qadr of Allah when you can just bump into a person like this for what is an insignificant amount of time, their beautiful smell rubs off on you, and you both continue on your own path but you notice as you continue on your path that now you smell of this beautiful smell and benefit from a light that they added to yours helping you to illuminate your path even clearer.

May Allah swt reward these people and make them among those whom He loves...ameen