Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Karachi Tragedy...


Who could possibly in their right mind do something so absolutely dispicable, so hideous and mind-numbingly insane like blowing themselves up in the middle of salaah?

Who out there could think of any possible excuse, any possible explanation for doing something like standing in the second row of prayer, in a gathering remembering the Prophet PBUH, and then detonate a bomb that killed nearly 70 people among whom were ulema?

Who could support such a cause that would call for the killing of innocent, God loving worshippers?


What is in the heart of such an individual who can legitimize such a gruesome act in their mind? What blackness! What raan has engulfed this qalb, swallowed this qalb, and cut this qalb off from the penetration of even the slightest amount of logic and wisdom which would deter it from commanding this badan from committing an atrocity of such a magnitude?


When will we as an ummah wake up and realize that anger is not correctly expressed by looting and destroying public property? When will we realize that our letting go of the sunnah and our getting off the path of the Prophet PBUH is what has lead to such chaos around the world?

When will the muslimeen recognize the need for establishing sincerity in their heart before even considering establishing sharia in the land? Is not the land an extention of the heart?


Where is the brotherhood? Where is our sense of loving for our brothers what we love for ourselves? Where are our 70 excuses? Where is our sense of lowering ourselves out of love for our brother? Where is our ummah?


Why would anyone think that they can solve any type of problem, express any type of concern, give any type of da'wah by doing something like blowing up their fellow muslim brothers and sisters? Why are we so dense? Why do we have such tunnel vision? Why do we wish to carry out an action without first learning the correct methodology of that action? Why dont we obey Allah and obey the Messenger?


How can we sit back and watch this type of thing happen to our brothers and sisters and not shed a tear? How can we sit watchin images of our brother's body parts being strewn across a musallah without becoming so impatient, so irritated that we couldnt prevent this from happening that we wanna just jump on the first plane over to Pakistan to help with the establishment of true in Islam in the subcontinent? How are we to consider ourselves Muslim when our body has just been injured, we have just been dealt a severe blow to our selves, and we dont even flinch, we dont even wince in pain, shed a tear or recognize the injury.

May Allah accept those who were killed in Pakistan yesterday as Martyrs, forgive all their sins, and make them among those whom He loves...ameen