Sunday, April 23, 2006

Da Weekend...

Subhan Allah, this weekend began on such a sour note with me thinking that I was gonna be just rolling around in my house wearin my pajamas and being a loser, but instead you all made dua for me as I requested walhumdulillah and I had an absolutely splendid weekend.


It all began Friday evening when I made dua that Allah swt fill my emptiness with Quran, and to replace my lonliness with a companion of great regard, the Quran. I went to hifz class and recited the rest of the juzz I was on to my shaykh (may Allah preserve him) and subhan Allah he just smiled as I recited to him and kept his eyes closed. I am extremely OCD when it comes to not making any mistakes at all in a juzz and if I make a mistake or have an atak (get stuck) then I get extremely pissed and wanna just start over. So this happened a couple of times as I was reciting and I sucked my teeth and implored the shaykh to allow me to start from the beginning. He instead told me it was ok and told me to keep going. I finished the juzz and he gave me the ultimate that any Quran teacher could give you after you recite to him.

He said "Masha Allah...Very good...Ahsant"

This coming from a teacher who will make some of the students repeat the isti'za (au'dhubillahi...) because they dont pronounce it right. Alhumdulillah..I got permission to move to the next Juzz!!!


So my boss got mad at me cuz I took off from work without clocking out, and I went home early without telling any manager on duty. After this incident took place I had 2 weeks off which I requested aforetime, so I didnt come in to work. Then when I get back and try to find when I come in to work, my coworkers tell me that my boss is angry with me and I need to come in and see him.

I go in to see him and he tells me he's angry cuz i left without following the right procedure. I apologize to him, and he tells me to come in the following week to work.

The next week I call to find when I have to come in and my boss apparently forgot to put me on the schedule so I have another weekend off. Thats 4 str8 weekends off!! At first im like, dude, i need some loot so im going into work regardless. But then I realize that there was a waleema that I had to go to anyway so it worked out!

I go to the waleema and to my surprise, there is 4/5ths of Gandaghee there!! Even Shaykh Washamama Gevya was there! It was a reunion that was absolutely necessary seeing how Aatif just got engaged (masha Allah) OPP is engaged and is moving to Cali in a couple of weeks (insha Allah and Masha Allah) and Chug is also now engaged and is too busy to do anything (he was the only one missing from the waleema and Masha Allah).

So after the waleema Aatif, OP and I went out and hung out till like 3 in the morning. I hadnt hung out with those guys in sooooooo long that subhan Allah, it didnt even matter where we went, just being in their company was extremely necessary.

While we were hanging out they both talked about their rishta situations and detailed the struggle to please in laws during the 'baat pakki'. It was surreal to be sitting with guys ive known nearly all my life and them now moving on and becoming established adults.

They then began to ask me about my rishta situations and what my plans were since I had hinted at them about the stuff I was going through and my plans to release my mother on some unsuspecting females. They knew I was working on something and I filled them in on my current status of now and how stuff really wasnt working out since I was still in school and going about stuff at the wrong angle.

I detailed to them about certain things going on in my life and how I was now trying to just get my school done by next spring so I can get back to where im supposed to be and they were real pumped.

They gave me some advice that was just amazing and definitely needed for my own confidence. They explained to me how the only thing I can do is let things naturally progress, and not to stress any particular situation cuz some people arent ready for stuff like marriage and that I need to just do what im doing and that I will get the best thing for me. Just cuz I think something is the best thing for me, doesnt necessarily mean it is.

Wow, this is some advice that is so simple, yet coming from my best buds it was like revelation to my situation!

They then gave me some more insightful indepth inside information about my particular situation which kind of gave me even more comfort in my current status walhumdulillah.

I remember way back I was having a convo with a couple of brothers about the establishment of an Islamic State, and one brother explained to me that the traditional point of view is that the vision is not that of establishment of Islam persay, but that the vision of each individual is that of pleasing Allah and purifying themselves, and that the Islamic State is then a consequence of this purification.

I tied this into my conversations with my homies and applied this same logic to my situation.

Why would I sweat a particular situation? I cant make my vision be this particular so called 'ideal' situation and then allow myself to mold and shape my life to fit the parameters of this particular situation. That would be compromising my own self and my own needs, and instead would set me back as I would neglect what I need to be doing just because im contemplating on what im going to do to make this situation work, instead of taking what would be the traditional strategy which is that of self purification and self rectification which if done completely and correctly will result in the consequence of getting married at the best time, establishing my life at the best possible time, etc.

This gave me some super comfort cuz now I am thinking about nothing more than my school and my deen, instead of thinking about this date and this establishment taking place that day.

What a rant!!!


So tonight we had our joint MSA/Islamic Relief Pakistan Earthquake Relief Fundraising Dinner. We advertised hard core for the past 3 weeks all over Maryland and we were insha Allah expecting a turnout upwards of about 200 people.

Of course we aimed a bit high as we instead got a turnout of about 70-80 people walhumdulillah.

To make a long story short, we sponsored 20 orphans, and raised close to 11 thousand dollars alhumdulillah.

This may seem like a really small amount, but wallahi there was some barakah in that room. People left happy and though we were blown by the skimpy turnout, we were satisfied by the fact that those who came did donate to the best of their abilities.

I also got a chance to hang out with Naeem Muhammed after like forever, and I got to talk to him about my ideas for how Im gonna use him in Gandaghee II. He was down to be in it and we are hopefully gonna film what I wanted to film next Sunday at the concert with Native Deen and 786 in VA.

PS: Aatif is Emceeing the event in VA, and we are planning to actually, for the first time ever, perform some songs from halal mixtape...LIVE! It should be awesome since its something people have been requesting us to do forever!

Make dua!!!