Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Marriage Post # 2

So this wasnt supposed to happen. I figured I would have one marriage post maybe every month, but something extremely odd happened the other day that I could not help but share.

So i miss a phone call yesterday morning, I look and its the imam who leaves me a message on my phone. I have a rather 'unique' voicemail which the imam always gets a kick out of and plays along with.

I call back.

"Salaamu alaykum!"
"Walaykum assalaam Iboo, how are you?"
"So...whats going on?"
"what you talkin about?"
"whats your plan for marriage?"
"caught you off guard? lol"
"uhh...yeah a little"
"So when are you gonna get married?"
"Not any time soon"
"Why not?"
"Because im broke as a joke"
"lol, so... do you have anyone in mind?"
"well...i do have a list"
"o yah?"
"well anyone in particular?"
"yeah theres ^%$^&%$&^%$ and also ^%$^&%$&^"
"oh...ok. Anyone from our area?"
"No, everyone in our community is young"
"What do you consider young?"
"well...we do have some 20 year olds in our community"
"really?...(obvious pause because any 20 year olds in our community are not on da list)"
"Well what is the plan Ibraheeem?!"
"Well...i have like 12 classes left, so i guess next winter me and my mom will start searching"
"Ok well then if anyone comes across my musallah I will let you know"
" k"
"I am just taking inventory Ibrahim"
"I love you Ibrahim"
"I love you too"

[end transmission]

Now does this mean that I am officially 'on the market' in my community? Does everyone go through this type of thing? Ive talked to him about marriage before and him calling me isnt something surprising cuz thats my nizzle fa shizzle, but at like 10:30AM on a Weekday to be calling me about marriage is pretty shady. I think he had someone in mind.