Monday, December 05, 2005

Posting pics online: The double standard...

So im not a big picture kind of guy, probably because I look like I have down syndrome in any picture I take, but nonetheless, I am not a big fan of the photo.

Hard to believe about someone who was in a movie huh? Well believe it, im like the guy from Friends, when you tell me your going to take a pic I make a face that makes you want to burn the film.

But I digress.

I am on facebook and I have taken advantage of the photo album option and put some snapshots that my man Aatif had of me in his online photo gallery on it. I obviously didnt do it to try and 'look good' for the opposite gender so they could holler at me seeing how I look rather grizzlybearish. But I have an issue.

I really do not think that its becomming of a muslim sister to post pics online.

HEY!! Who threw that chappal!!

Hear me out! lets think about why our muslim sisters wear hijab. First reason is because obviously it is commanded by Allah swt in Surah Nur and in Surah Ahzaab. Secondly the hijab itself means 'screen' (no not like computer screen) which connotes a barrier between individuals. The scholars say that the commandment to cover in the aforementioned suwarr instructs women to cover everything except that which is a necessity to leave IE hands, face, (I guess feet in some madhahib).

Is there a necessity which requires you to post your pic online?

Now I can understand like a pic, but a whole album of pics posted of you for anyone and everyone to see just to me isn't really kosher.

Ive seen hijabis who have pics that are zoomed all up in their face. Hello? If a guy walks by and is trying to get that perspective of your face he looks like a staring perv, yet you put up a zoomed in pic of your grill for the same perv to see without him even having to squint to make out what he's looking at. What is that?

Maybe its my gheerah talking, but someone please explain to me why I am wrong.