Thursday, December 22, 2005

Reflection Eternal...

'Balil innsaanu 'aala nafsihee baseerah' -Surah al Qiyamah

"Nay, man will be evidence against himself"

What will your fingertips say on the Day of Judgement?

I am fed up with individuals acting as if the real world is somehow detached from this digital reality. Are we permitted to say whatever we wish online and then consider it to be pardoned for the fact that it took place in a pseudo reality? Instead of electrical pulses going through our mind and being processed and these signals being sent to our bodies to perform actions, we are sending binary commands through our computer to be processed and electrical signals through cables deep in the ground to be sent to a server in some far off land. Its completely different right?

Some people are nothing without their online personality. You can be whatever you want to be online. Some people claim to have knowledge of the deen while they sit behind a computer yet lo and behold, when they are encountered in the 'other' world they have no knowledge of even the simplest of things. Is it maybe because all your knowledge is cut and pasted? Are you in the mousepad mafia? Armchair Scholars association? This is getting rediculous.

People speak to me online in ways that I know for a fact, if I was standing in their face, they wouldnt dare say what they typed on a forum. How come? Probably because they think Im crazy enough that I might just dot their eye, and guess what: I am.

Everyone has a weakness, and I have come to realize that one of my glaring ones is the fact that I have bipolar episodes of patience. I can be the most patient person when it comes to certain things. Someone accidentally doesnt come through for me when I need em, someone accidentally injures me, someone accidentally-You see where Im going with this? But when someone deliberately does something to harm me or anyone I care about in any way shape or form [that includes Allah swt, the anbiyaa', the a'imma and the saliheen], I am ready willing and able to snatch their head right off of their body.

I pray that I never act upon my urges as this used to get me into trouble waaay back in the past, and I would like to think I am beyond that point of inability to control my urges.
