Friday, April 28, 2006


Its rather funny how sometimes our imagination can set up this bubble around us when we are dealing with uncertainty, giving us creative license to interpret anything the way we want to interpret it.

Its like you have something which you are unsure about how you are to interpret it, so you figure out how you want to interpret it, and then you release it into space to then orbit around you at an exact calculated orbit that you are comfortable with.

As if everything revolves around us, and there is no way something could be in disagreement with our interpretation.

Just remember that if something is uncertain, you take all the means possible to make it certain regardless of how you might look dumb in the end. You gotta have the guts to step up and be responsible for your actions, or else you will never grow.

We also should keep in mind that when the bubble does burst, and reality is shown, that you laugh it off, brush your shoulders off and keep it thoro as you know Allahul Musta'an and Qadr Allah wa masha fa'al.