Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mariam Sultana Zuberi

Today was one of the craziest days of my life.

As you can see by my visual aids, it snowed like a foot and a half overnight and it could not have come at a worse time. My 9 month pregnant sister in law was feeling contractions, and we had to shovel out the car so that they could get to the hospital. It took a good couple of hours and the car got stuck 3 different times in 3 different places, but we got it out walhumdulillah.

My fam all went to the hospital except for me and my sis who was asleep. I get a phone call from my peeps, they are gonna have to do a C section because the baby was face up in the womb and would not be able to come out normally.

Needless to say my fam was a little worried.

I grabbed some random clothes, woke my sis up who threw something on and we drove as fast as we could (which wasnt fast at all cuz it was snow on the road) to the hospital. We get there, and everyone is in the waiting room making dua. 10 minutes after I get there, a nurse comes and tells us that the baby was born and everything was successful. 'Guess what she had' the nurse jokes as my rents yell out 'boy!' and they find out that they are wrong. Its a girl!!

So on to the name game.

Right before I left the house to go to the hospital I had gotten together my top 5 names for a boy and 5 for a girl. I wrote down my 5 girl names and alas, my number one choice was also my moms first choice, which was my fathers and also one of my sister's. I tell my bro, he agrees as does my bro's mother in law. We have yet to ask my sis in law (which I hope is not a problem)

But at 3:33PM, my niece Mariam Sultana Zuberi was born, 5 lbs 11oz 19" long.

Thats my bro up there, believe it or not but he looks as though he matured right there. He became an uncle sahib right in front of my eyes.

Next came the sunnah. I was about to leave and go to the crib to pray maghrib, but my sis in law didnt let me leave. She wanted me to give the adhan and iqaama in my niece's ear. I wanted my bro to do it, but he also wanted me to have the honor. Subhan Allah, what am amazing feeling.

So the day is over.

About a half hour after my niece was born, I was there in the waiting room making Asr. I was in sajdah and I was making dua for my family. Ammi, Abba, Saadia, Anwer, Shaista baji, and then Mariam.

Subhan Allah, a half hour before Mariam didnt exist and now i was in salah making dua for her. It blew my mind the power of Allah swt, Al Muhyi, the Giver of Life. In an instant my brother became a father, his wife a mother. The responsibility that they are now holding in their hands is great. My mother and father became grandparents. To me I am still their young son and them my young parents. Now they are grandparents? How amazing? To me they are not old yet to Mariam, when she gets older she is going to consider us old timers. My sis is now a puppo (spell check DAT one) and im a chacha. Someone with great hikmah told me that I should tell her to call me Chachu to which i conceded.

I pray that Mariam becomes like her name suggests, a leader of the women in Paradise.
